The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center

4 West Red Oak Lane, Suite 204

 White Plains, NY 10604

HHREC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Federal Tax ID#  13-3583059


HHREC has earned a 92% Rating




Sample bequest language

General Bequest.  Designates that a particular beneficiary receives a specified sum of money or a fixed percentage of your estate.  Example: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center, Four West Red Oak Lane, Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10604, the sum of $____ (or specify a percentage of the estate.) 

Residuary Bequest.  Disposes of the assets remaining after all debts, expenses, taxes and bequests are paid.  Residuary bequests frequently dispose of the bulk of the estate.  A significant change in the value of assets in the estate will affect the size of the residue.  Example: “I give, devise and bequeath to Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center, Four West Red Oak Lane, Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10604, all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”


Contingent Bequest.  Enables you to designate one or more beneficiaries who will receive a legacy only if a primary beneficiary predeceases you, or is otherwise unable or unqualified to inherit or disclaims the legacy. Example: “If___________(insert the name of your heir) predeceases me or disclaims any interest in _____________(describe the asset or portion of your estate), I give such property to Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center, Four West Red Oak Lane, Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10604, for its general purposes.”

HHREC Federal Tax ID# 13-3583059

Please contact Millie Jasper about your intention to include the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center in your estate plans.

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